Pipe Jacking, Polymer Concrete Pipe

Why additional lining is not required for polymer concrete pipe?

Why additional lining is not required for polymer concrete pipe?

Pipe corrosion is one of our worst nightmares in pipeline construction as it often means disruptive and costly replacement works.

It is therefore a requirement for concrete pipes to be fitted with an additional polymer lining to prevent chemical attacks from sewage. However, common issues that have surfaced after installation include cracks and peeling in the lining, which would expose the concrete layer to corrosion. Repairing or replacing the pipes are possible solutions, but extremely costly.

Polymer concrete pipes, on the other hand, do not require an additional polymer lining and can even last for at least 100 years. This is because when polyester is combined with concrete to form polyester concrete, it not only becomes much stronger than concrete alone, but is also highly resistant to corrosion.

TPP polymer concrete pipes are specially manufactured using this polyester concrete to fully encompass both properties throughout the entire pipeline. The pipes have been approved and successfully installed across several projects in Singapore.

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